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You have somehow managed to create possibly the worst game ive ever had the displeasure of playing. How could anyone on this planet create a game this bad unironically. The sheer amount of crap in this game is only matched by the huge shit i took this morning. I have been waiting 8 years for this game to be released. You put this game on steam back in 2016 and you seem to have missed your JULY 11 2017 release window. But you have the audacity to silently release the game here on, and you really think we wouldnt notice? You tried to hide this absolute abomination from the eyes of the public of steam gamers, and what do we get in the end? The worst controlling game ever put on a computer, why would i control my camera with WASD and why on EARTH would you pick C to pull up the gay little arrow? one decent thing i will say about the game is that you unintentionally made one of the best griddy simulators on the market, kudos. The combat in this game was supposed to be your shining feature and what do we get after all these years? Unresponsive unreactable attacks and ai that either perfectly dodge every single move or just take an ass beating and run away like bitches! The coin models are honestly some of the worst design ive ever seen. Try spending more than 3 seconds on the coin models next time and maybe youll have something decent on your hands. Also, WHY DO THE POTIONS ONLY HEAL 10 PERCENT OF MY HP AFTER I JUST FOUGHT FOR MY LIFE TO GET THAT NIGGA TO RUN AWAY AND COME BACK 3 MINUTES LATER FOR THE SALTY RUNBACK WITH FULL HP, MEANWHILE IM BARELY AT HALF!!!!!!! The steam page mentions additional levels with bosses, but the rat men patrolling the fields were bosses themsselves, that shit was hard ! i could not possibly imagine what bosses could be like in this game if the regular rat men were undodgeable. All in all, alexander Shvab, you sir are a spit in the face to the me and the rest of the rat lovers gaming community and i cannot believe i had so much faith in you after all these years and this is what you give us your adoring fans. Please consider other hobbies that you might be better at, like sleeping, or eating, just no more games please. Imagine I have attached a photo of how i feel playing this game. (Noser is killing himself mid-battle because all of his attacks are getting dodged with split second reaction times, meanwhile he has not dealt any damage despite being in the battle for more than 3 minutes straight at this point with his weak ass jabs.)


 Hello this is Alexnder Shvab from Russia. There is a problem to transfer your donation to me.I do not know if you can send it via mail by an latter (cash). Probably it can be illegal to do that. Nowadays, I do think to make the game online. improve all parts. If you can help with some that parts you  are welcome.


index: 629007

Mirugino 51